The British Aphasiology Society has supported a number of projects through the Initiatives in Aphasia Seed Fund (IASF, now: Small Grants). The following is a list of projects that have been funded in previous years.
Funded in 2023
Gill Pearl - Wellbeing with aphasia conference, April 2024
Click HERE for the conference report
Click HERE to watch video footage from the conference
Funded in 2022
Catherine Sanderson - A 'handle' for Aphasia- The production of videos posted to social media to support people with aphasia and their families.
Click HERE for the project report
Click HERE for an aphasia friendly project report
Click HERE for the project poster
Rosemary Townsend - Establishing good practice guidelines for collaborating with experts with lived experience of aphasia to structure and deliver teaching to pre-qualification speech and language therapists.
Click HERE for the final project report summary
Click HERE to watch the project video People with aphasia teaching student Speech & Language Therapists
Funded in 2020
Despite the pandemic, the BAS committee received five high quality applications for this year’s seed fund, which all met our criteria of activities that involve and benefit people with aphasia and their family members and carers. So, in an unprecedented year, the committee made an unprecedented decision and awarded seed funding to all applications. This was possible due to a reduction in costs for this financial year as the research update meeting moved online and our conference was postponed. It was fantastic to be able to support a range of innovative and creative projects during such challenging times for clinicians and people with aphasia.
Awards were made to:
- Suzanne Beeke and colleagues for ‘The art of conversation with aphasia’.
This project produced a film to showcase existing work on supported conversation interventions.
Click here for the project report for 'The art of conversation with aphasia’
And click here for an aphasia friendly poster on 'The art of conversation with aphasia’
- Jayne Lindsay and colleagues for ‘In the picture or behind glass? Describing facilitators, barriers and practices in people with aphasia accessing and participating in museums and art galleries.’
This application funds a series of PPI activities towards the design of a larger study exploring the experiences of people with aphasia accessing museums and art galleries. The team will conduct online interviews and arrange a visit to a museum or gallery to identify barriers for people with aphasia when visiting.
Click here for the project report for ‘In the picture or behind glass? Describing facilitators, barriers and practices in people with aphasia accessing and participating in museums and art galleries.’
And click here for an aphasia friendly report on '‘In the picture or behind glass? Describing facilitators, barriers and practices in people with aphasia accessing and participating in museums and art galleries.’
- Emma Richards for ‘Stars, A film about art and aphasia’.
The lead applicant will support a person with aphasia to make an awareness raising film about how art helped with her recovery.
- Anna Caute and colleagues for ‘iCafè interview project: Student-delivered online social support groups for people with aphasia and/or dysarthria- a qualitative investigation of members’ and providers’ experiences’
Funding will pay for transcription costs to support evaluation of student-led online social groups for people with aphasia and dysarthria during the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Marian Brady for ‘Supporting networking with an SLT from Ghana’. This funding will support communication and networking between an aphasia specialist SLT from Ghana and clinicians in the UK.
Funded 2019
- Niamh Devane and colleagues for user involvement for a feasibility randomised control trial of adapted semantic feature analysis delivered in EVA Park.
This PPI project ran six user workshops, five workshops with people with aphasia and one with SLTs, to make decisions that supported the development of an intervention, interpretation of study results and guidance on how to best share findings with the aphasia community.
Download the report
Or watch a video summary of the report
- The North East Trust for Aphasia with Newcastle University ran a support service for families of people with Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA), a rare dementia.
The project set up coffee mornings every 2 months for a year, to:
- help people to support each other
- assess the needs of people
- show how communication can be supported
Download the Aphasia friendly version of the report HERE
Download the full report HERE
Funded 2018
Sarah Banfield, NHS WSFT, Hardwick Lane, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 2QZ
Repeated measures case series to investigate the use of Colours and Symbols (CAS) as a low-tech supported communication tool, across 10 parameters, in comparison to supported communication alone by five people with aphasia (PwA) and their Speech and Language Therapists (SLTs).
Download the CAS Full report HERE
Download the CAS Poster HERE
Funded 2016
Gill Pearl, Bury Speakeasy. Aphasia United: Living With Aphasia International Conference.
Madeleine Cruice, City, University of London. Project: Core Outcome Set (COS) consensus and dissemination meeting and consumer research feedback seminar. Phase 3 of ROMA: Improving Research Outcome Measurement in Aphasia
Funded 2015
Jane Marshall, City, University of London. Speech and Language Therapy and Information Technology (SPLIT) Providing accessible opportunities for people with aphasia
Funded 2014
Madeline Cruice (City University London)
Karen Sage (Bristol Speech and Language Therapy Research Unit)
Funded 2013
Cat Andrew (City University)
Carolyn Bruce (University College London)
Ruth Herbert (University of Sheffield)