How to renew your membership if you are an existing (or lapsed) member

If you've renewed since November 2018, or joined the Society after this date, you are likelly to have done so using this website and paid by direct debit/card in which case you may ignore these instructions - you will be notified by email 31 days before your membership expiry date.  Once the payment has been made by direct debit or credit/debit card, you will receive confirmation and a copy of your invoice.

If your email address has changed since you joined and you are unable to access your account directly please click HERE

Alternatively, you may well be a "lapsed member" that is continuing to pay by STANDING ORDER (at one of the previously published membership rates). Lapsed members no longer have access to the BAS online system and do not receive newsletters etc.

Lapsed members can renew BAS membership, by following these steps:

  1. Cancel your existing standing order with your bank or building society – payable to the British Aphasiology Society.
  2. Follow this link HERE to re-register on the new system and setup one of two possible payment options; either direct debit or credit/debt card.

Should you have any queries please contact . You should no longer be contacted by BAS once we have been notified that you membership has expired.